Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Back on track

I've been making some minor progress on collecting some more art. Here and there, I've been compiling a list of small tweaks (minor additions or clarifications) and big changes (eliminating or combining major sections that might be kind of redundant). I've also wasted a couple of weekends being unproductive or just distracted by other things, so I'm going to try a new productivity technique called "Don't break the chain". Hopefully, that will help me get things done a little more quickly. The basic idea is that I'll do something useful every day and post it here. If I miss a day, I'll "break the chain" and... uh. I'll wear a scarlet P for Procrastination on my chest or something. (I'm still not sure about the penalty, but keep an eye on this space for daily updates.)

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to watching your next posts. I am still very much interested in seeing your rpg complete :)
