Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Die Cap

By default, all rolls are limited to a maximum of 6 dice. Any dice lost to the Die Cap are converted to Free Wagers, the ability to retroactively Wager (adjust the difficulty of a roll for extra Advantage on a success). I feel that a Die Cap of 6 is perfect for any of the settings or campaigns I would like to run and I don't anticipate writing any settings or supplements that will use a different Die Cap, so I'm cutting the section about adjusting or eliminating the cap. For those that are interested, this is the section on alternate caps that I'm cutting out:

"The Die Cap can be adjusted or eliminated if desired for a particular setting, but this will have an effect on levels of success. A lower Die Cap means that highly skilled characters will have their maximum level of success reduced (because they will not be able to roll as many successes), but the Free Wagers will ensure that they perform more consistently near their peak because they will have more Advantage on their rolls. A higher Die Cap means that highly skilled characters will be capable of scoring more successes (each die is potentially 0-2 successes), but they will need to risk wagering to make full use of those extra successes."

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