Wednesday, July 18, 2012


I spent today hunting for icons that I could use to label sections of the character sheet and, possibly, section headers for the text. All the half decent icons cost $45+ for a commercial license. I'm not willing to drop that kind of money on something that isn't a perfect fit. I saw plenty of things that gave me ideas of what I would like to see in an ideal icon, so I might have to make my own.

I'm kind of stumped on what to use for the three Passions: anger, fear, and heroic. I considered several themes. Elemental (fire for anger, ice for fear, and sun/star for nobility and self sacrificing heroism); animals (snake or spider for fear, lion for heroic, and bear our honey badger or something for anger); emoticons (angry, scared, and determined faces). Still not sure what way to go, but leaning toward some variation of the elemental set.

Any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. Either the elemental or the animal theme would be fine. Alternatively, what about combining some of the icon themes? A closed fist for anger, an spider/snake for fear and the sun for heroism, for instance.
