Friday, June 3, 2011

Example Powers 4

Here's another installment of specific implementations of a generic power. In this case, it's the classic "Fireball".

Blast: This power allows its user to deal 3D damage to every target in an area. Advantage can be spent to increase the damage by +1D or to exclude a target in the affected area (to avoid friendly fire or self-inflicted injury).
  • The Necromancers of Taj Neroth know two spells that use this power. The Western Rite necromancers use a Scene spell they call “The Dholian Maw”, which causes a black pool of oil to seep up from the ground and extend a swarm of gnashing black blade-like pseudopods that glisten like oily teeth. Anything on the ground (or within a few feet of it) will be repeatedly savaged by the blades that swirl and strike like a frenzied school of piranha. The Eastern Rite necromancers use a Focus spell called the “Convulsions of Rahng Nang”, which summons a cluster of greenish-brown spikes like giant porcupine quills that erupt from the earth then retract again. The quills randomly erupt from the ground every round the spell is maintained and are accompanied by the hellish tortured squealing of an apparently very large creature which is being wracked by spasms just below the surface of the ground. Perhaps it is fortunate that nobody has yet seen the body of “Rahng Nang” in its entirety.
  • Among the Elemental Mages, this power is very popular and comes in many varieties. Most of them are Instant powers that take the form of an explosion of elemental energy or shrapnel. The most popular spells include “Ball of Fire”, “Meteor Storm”, “Avalanche” (which actually causes the ground in an area to overturn rather than fall from above as the name implies), “Rain of Ice Daggers”, “Acid Deluge”, and “Wrath of Lightning”.
  • Aetheric Engineers and Hermetic Dynamicists use this power to create a wide variety of bombs, rockets, and grenades. Hermetic Dynamicists tend to focus on variations of thermal detonators and plasma grenades while Cryobionicists use this power to create frost flak cannon, flash freeze grenades, and bombs that project icy shrapnel. The so-called “void cannons” of Planet X that annihilate matter in a spherical area around the point of impact are also based on this power (Instant, 4D damage).
  • The most powerful Ma Quy sorcerers have been rumored to use this power to create “Storms of Hatred”, a wild wide-scale version of the “Fires of Hatred” power. “Storm of Hatred” is a Scene power that deals 5D damage (difficulty 5: Scene 3 +2 for extra damage) and continues to burn even if the caster is dead, unconscious, or leaves the area. It is not unheard of for casters to be destroyed in their own conflagrations.
  • The Tyrian Brotherhood use this power when facing many enemies single-handed. They call it “One Light Against the Darkness” or “Rage of Solitary Justice”. Their version of this power cannot be used at range: it can only be used against the Area the Tyrian Knight is in. Upon casting the power, the knight swirls through the area like a mad dervish cutting down every foe with broad weapon sweeps and swift strikes with elbows, knees, head, and feet.


  1. I find the Tyrian Brotherhood's application very intriguing. You use the power's effect to simulate what would be a frenzied attack against several enemies at once. Very imaginative.

  2. I'm planning on doing a Wuxia power set later and I'll probably do something similar for martial techniques. I first got the idea when thinking about a "Thundar the Barbarian" setting. It's described as a world of "savagery, sorcery, and super science", so I thought it would be interesting to make all three of those into power sources. So, guys like Thundar don't just have a high Fighting skill: they also have some cool maneuvers and techniques they can use to kill evil wizards.
