Sunday, June 12, 2011

Example Powers 7: Puppet

Today's power is called Puppet and represents a wide variety of ways to control another character through super hypnosis, telepathic suggestion, magical enchantment, or just physical force. 
Puppet: This power allows the caster to take control of another character with an opposed roll. After the caster activates this power, the caster and the target make an opposed roll. If the caster wins, the Advantage on the roll is the maximum dice pool that can be used by the puppet for any actions commanded by the caster. (This power is most effective when used to make its targets perform simple actions that don't require a roll.) For the duration of the power, the caster can attempt to direct the puppet each round with another opposed roll which counts as an action.
  • The Necromancers of Taj Neroth who worship one of the forms of Lopcilthoth know “Domination of the Unitiated”, a Focus spell that forces the caster's will on the victim. The caster rolls Intimidation against the victim's Will (or Concentration skill) to compel an action. For as long as the spell is maintained, the caster can force the victim to act with an opposed roll each round. It is also rumored that some high-society cells of the cult have been granted a special boon by Lopcilthoth to aid in their work: a Scene duration version of this power which can be cast on a longer time scale (the casting ritual takes an entire evening, but the Scene lasts for an entire month). They supposedly use this power to dominate useful people of influence who refuse to join the cult.
  • Among the Elemental Mages, this power is known to Earth Mages as the “Crystal Slave” spell. It is a Scene power that causes bits of sand and rock to slither over the victim and fuse into a delicate crystalline armature that can physically move them against their will. In any round while the spell is in effect, the Earth Mage can make a Knowledge: Magic roll opposed by the victim's Might roll to compel the victim to perform physical actions. The victim may act normally while not being controlled by the mage, but attempts to remove the armature are largely futile: it repairs itself for as long as the magic of the spell endures.
  • Aetheric Engineers have used this power to create the hypno ray, a gun that fires a neuron scrambling energy beam that makes its target very open to suggestion. It is a device with an Instant power (it can be used to issue one command with each shot). It is fired with the Shooting skill. After a victim is hit by the beam, the user must adjust the dials and sliders on the back and side of the gun to match and override the victim's particular synaptic wavelength topography. This is done with a Knowledge: Aetheric Engineering roll opposed by the victim's Will or Concentration. The hypno ray is not very useful for subtle manipulation: victims tend to affect a zombie-like demeanor and repeat their orders in a dull monotone while attempting to carry them out.
  • The Dai Zha and Ma Quy templars both use a limited version of this power against the weak-minded. In the case of the Dai Zha, they use it to avoid arguments over minor things or to resolve a situation without violence. The Ma Quy have no compunctions against using it for selfish purposes. The Dai Zha do not use the Puppet power and instead simply use the “mind trick”: using the Source (through their Concentration skill) to generate Advantage for a Persuasion roll. Many Ma Quy also use the “mind trick” but a few have been known to use more potent methods. One of which is the “Seductive Illusion” sorcery, which telepathically overrides the victim's senses to trick them into performing the actions that the sorcerer wishes. A character could be tricked into attacking innocents making them appear to be vicious monsters; likewise, a character could be tricked into running into a solid wall that appeared to be an open doorway. After casting the power, the caster can set up an illusion to guide the victim's actions by rolling Bluff against the victim's Concentration or Will. The illusion cannot be used against inorganics, which makes robots immune to suggestion. Another variation of this power is the “Telekinetic Puppet” sorcery which uses the sorcerer's Concentration skill against the victim's Might to physically manipulate them. Like all sorceries, both variations are Focus powers.
  • The Tyrian Brotherhood does not use this power (and, in fact, considers it rather distasteful).

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