This power is called Deflection. It's a defensive power that makes it harder to attack a character. Like Armor, this power could be replicated with a more generic power to alter a character's traits (such as boosting Defense), but I'm setting it aside as a common application for ease of reference.
Deflection: This power misdirects attacks at the target of the power. The difficulties of attacks are increased by 1 on a basic success and by another 1 for each point of Advantage.- The Necromancers of Taj Neroth know three spells that use this power. The followers of Nai Ctagn know the “Flight of Prey” spell, a Focus power that grants the caster preternatural instincts to dodge incoming attacks. The followers of Lopcilthoth know the “Nymphs of Nathrak” spell, a Scene power that summons a a cloud of fist-sized leathery blue creatures that look like insect larvae. The nymphs fly in a swarm around the target of the spell and use their bodies to block incoming ranged attacks. The followers of Chuchilbara know a similar spell called the “Scarabs of Tleikaku”, a Scene power that summons a swarm of hard-shelled imps that look like little humanoid beetles or crabs. The scarabs interfere with any melee attacks against the target of the power by pulling at the legs of attackers, leaping up to grab arms, or hurling their hard bodies into the paths of weapons. Both the scarabs and nymphs die and leave desiccated husks behind when the spells expire.
- The Elemental Mages know many spells that protect against attacks. The “Ring of Fire” spell is a Focus power that raises the difficulty of all attacks against the caster by +3 by surrounding the caster with rotating concentric rings of flames (difficulty 4 to cast). “Blizzard Shield” is a Scene-length spell used by both Air and Ice specialists that protects the caster from attacks by surrounding the caster with rapidly swirling winds and ice fragments. Two of the most effective spells of this type are “Meteor Shield” (an Earth spell that surrounds the caster with orbiting cobbles and small boulders) and “Quicksilver Step” (a Water spell that randomly shifts the caster's position by a few feet in a quick blur of motion). Both of these spells are Focus spells that increase the difficulty of attacking the caster by +4 (Focus power with 3 points of Advantage, difficulty 5 to cast).
- Aetheric Engineers have developed several useful gadgets that use this power. In the thick jungles of Venus, variations on smokescreens and fog projectors are quite popular for providing concealment against ranged attacks. Some Venusians have scaled up this concept to create “Mirror Chaff” systems that defend their war-rockets from lasers and other rays by launching a cloud of shiny metallic glitter to partially reflect ray attacks. The Martians have taken a more direct approach to defending their war-rockets and attached “Active Denial Defense Drone Pods” on outriggers. These pods contain radar-guided lasers that automatically shoot at approaching missiles and other projectiles when the pods are activated; the Martians usually rely on reflective armor to defend against rays. Some prospectors and scavengers in the asteroids have taken to modifying their tool packs for self-defense (or offense, in some cases). The normal tool pack is a backpack frame that holds a multi-limbed robot equipped with various tools to aid in maneuvering on the surface of asteroids or wrecked ships, cutting, drilling, gripping, etc. These modified tool packs also block hand to hand attacks against their wearers (enhancing the wearer's Defense) and some are even modified to fight more aggressively (with the Enhance Weapon power to add effectiveness to the wearer's “unarmed” attacks or with the Strike power to provide their own powerful attack). Hermetic Dynamicists typically use their powers to defend against attacks by absorbing some or all of the energy of the incoming attack but they have recently begun experimenting with displacement fields that warp light energy around them which can make them appear to be in a slightly different position to mislead an attacker's aim.
- The Dai Zha and Ma Quy templars often use this power to block blaster bolts with their laser swords. It is a Focus technique that requires a lot of concentration and not a little bit of precognition. With adequate training (and the use of the Bolt power), they can even redirect the bolts to a new target. As long as the power is maintained, the defensive bonus is added to the templar's Defense against melee attacks and to the difficulty of ranged attacks against the templar.
- The Tyrian Brotherhood have a special prayer called “Fear No Arrow” that protects them against missile attacks. It is a Scene power that adds the defensive bonus to the difficulty to attack the knight. By using this power, a knight can walk through a hail of arrows as casually as strolling in the rain.
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